Health Z
4 min readNov 19, 2021



wake up in the morning to drink water
Waking up in the morning and drinking water- in a big glass before getting up in the morning before tea or coffee. After waking up for the whole night, the body remains completely dehydrated. Drinking water in the morning not only gives energy to the body, but it is also very good for the brain and kidneys. The body becomes completely active with a glass of water in the morning.

Keeping the body fit is not an easy task. Apart from eating home cooked food, getting good sleep and exercising, there are many other things which take a lot of time to do. However, there are some things that you can keep yourself completely healthy by doing in less than 1 minute.

flossing of teeth
Tooth flossing- Flossing is the best way to take care of teeth. Small pieces of food get trapped in the edges of the teeth, due to which bacteria start growing. In flossing, teeth are cleaned with a thin thread. For this, the thread is stuck between two teeth and rubbed from top to bottom on the teeth with light hands. This cleans the dirt accumulated in the roots of the teeth. Once practiced, it takes less than 1 minute.

Rinsing with mouthwash- Gargling with a good mouthwash for 30 seconds kills bacteria in the mouth. It can be done at any time but health experts say that it is best to gargle with mouthwash before sleeping. The mouth becomes dry while sleeping and at this time the bacteria in the mouth damage the teeth and gums. Therefore it is considered good to sleep after rinsing.

Protein-rich breakfast - It’s More Plants author Desiree Nielsen told the Woman’s Day website, 'Having a protein-packed breakfast keeps blood sugar in control, gives the body energy, does not feel hungry quickly and is also in a good mood. .' Protein-filled breakfast is also considered good for weight loss.

Apply sunscreen- Apply sunscreen every morning after washing your face. Do not go out of the house without applying sunscreen. Take a minute and apply it well on the mouth, throat and hands. Not applying sunscreen in strong sunlight increases the risk of skin

Make carb food healthy- Health experts say that if you like to eat carbohydrate-rich things like bread, pasta or potatoes, then try adding olive oil or vinegar to it. Both these things reduce the glycemic effect of carbs. This keeps blood sugar under control.

Pay attention to the body- Pay attention to your overall . Sit on an armless chair, keep your back straight and keep your feet close to the ground. Now stand up and then sit down. Do this 10 times in a row. According to a study, those who take more than 26 seconds to do this, they are not fit from inside.

Eating any one fruit throughout the day- Eat any one fruit or any green vegetable as a snack throughout the day. If you are short of time, then cut it at night and keep it in the fridge. By eating fruits every day, the body gets fiber, vitamins, minerals, due to which digestion is good, the skin is healthy and blood sugar is also correct.

Drinking Green Tea- Green tea is very beneficial for health. According to a study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, drinking green tea at least three times a week reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by about 25 perce

Climb stairs- According to a 2019 study, climbing 60 stairs in 20 seconds three times a day increases cardio fitness by 5 percent. Even a slight improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness reduces the risk of heart disease and keeps the body overall healthy.

Do Squats- If you do not have time to complete the workout, then do only squats for 1 minute. Health experts say that squats strengthen the legs, hips and spine as well as increase blood flow. If you are doing squats for the first time, try to do 25 in 1 minute.

Habit of working quickly- Psychologist says that working according to the clock makes the brain sharp. Pay attention to the clock and make a habit of doing small tasks within 1 minute. The faster you try to work, the stronger your brain muscles will be. This will keep you healthy both physically and mentally.




Health Z

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